Complimentary colors are pairs of colors that are of “opposite” hue in some color model (like the color wheel). Complementary colors create more interest when used together in a project.
This beautiful color wheel is from Quilts and creativity.
Don't miss out on a great opportunity to win Copic's 12 new color markers by participating in the May challenges on the CropStop Challenge Blog! This is the last challenge for May so get your entry uploaded before Wednesday night!
Use Copic markers on your projects and have a chance to win this colossal prize! No Copics? Not to worry! Use the coloring media of your choice and you still get into the monthly draw for the Copic Marker prize!!
At the end of May, CropStop will randomly draw one winner from all challenge entries during the month of May to win this grandiose prize...a collection of the 12 new Copic colors and lots of other goodies!
Be sure to visit the CropStop Challenge Blog every Thursday for a new challenge! Hope to see you soon!
Use Copic markers on your projects and have a chance to win this colossal prize! No Copics? Not to worry! Use the coloring media of your choice and you still get into the monthly draw for the Copic Marker prize!!
At the end of May, CropStop will randomly draw one winner from all challenge entries during the month of May to win this grandiose prize...a collection of the 12 new Copic colors and lots of other goodies!

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