Friday, August 5, 2011

La-La Land Blog Candy Winner!

Happy weekend to you all! Sorry I'm late in posting the winner of my La-La Land Crafts blog candy that was originally posted on 07/18..... Luka with Truck. I've been on vacation visiting my mom in WA and thought I was flying back to OK on Tuesday, but we actually flew back Wed. The past few days have been rough trying to get readjusted to the time difference. It's only a 2 hour difference, but man it felt like I was hit by a freight train. Part of that may have been because we had to get up at 3am on the day we flew out to get to the airport on time. Wowzers that was tough for a 5-year-old....poor guy was exhausted!

I want to say that I loved all your amazing comments on my Pilot Luka card! I wish I could give you all a stamp, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of money. :( I really do appreciate the wonderful things you all had to say. I will have some more candy coming soon so keep coming back, okay. Now, on to the winner...................

Jacqui !!
(jacqui' bunnyears blog)

Congratulation Jacqui!! Email me your mailing address and I will get your candy in the mail to you! It will have some additional goodies with it! :)

Have a great weekend and don't forget to check back here on Monday for another La-La Land Crafts Inspiration Monday!!
