Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rachelle Anne Miller: FALL LEAVES

Happy Saturday everyone! I'm back today sharing my latest card for Rachelle Anne Miller. This month I'll be showcasing some of the fall/autumn digis, which just happens to be my favorite time of the year! This adorable image is called FALL LEAVES. I love these cute kids playing in a pile of leaves. I used to love jumping in big piles when I was little and throwing the leaves into the air.

Boy Skin: E11, E13, E15, E18
Boy Hair: E42, E47, E49
Girl Skin: E000, E00, E01, E11, E13
Girl Hair: E42, E44, E47
Blue: B93, B95, B97, B99
Green: G46, YG25, YG23
Red: R24, R27, R29, R57, R59
Teal: BG32, BG15, BG18
Leaves: R24, R57, G46, Y15, YR23, YR04, G85
Grass: G99, YG99, YG94, G85, G46
Sky: B000
I kept my card clean by just adding ribbon and a bow so the focus would be on the image.
I hope you come join us on the Rachelle Anne Miller Digital Stamps Facebook Group to share your fabulous creations! Be sure to subscribe to her newsletter also because she will have special sales throughout the year just for email subscribers! Remember, the prices in her store are in Australian dollars so if you live in the U.S.A. you will pay a lower amount.
Have a great weekend!

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