Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Cebelica!

Teams Yumi and Fumi have joined together today to wish our fellow DT teamie, CEBELICA a  bright and cheery birthday! You can see all the DT cards on the Yumi and Fumi Blog.

We hope her day is filled with all the things that make her happy...
be it friends, family, a little crafty time, and (hopefully) a present or two.

my sweet and amazing friend!!!!!
I met Cebelica online a while ago, and I have to tell you she is one of the sweetest and most amazing ladies I know! I'm so blessed to have her in my life!!  I wish you all the best life has to offer and lots of crafty goodies to add to your stash. :)

Here's to you my friend!!

Have a special and awesome day!
Rosie :)


  1. Gorgeous card!!!
    Rosie, what a sweet sweet post for your friend!! I just met Cebelica the other day ... Isn't that crazy!!?!
    She's so lovely & we were talking via email on Saturday & Sunday!!
    :)) I'll send her some birthday wishes!!

  2. What a sweet, sweet card...so well put together and full of happy wishes!

  3. Awwww, I'm touched by the sweet things you wrote about me. Thank you a lot! I feel honoured to call you my friend!!!
    Thank you for making my birthday even more fun and even more special. This card is absolutely amazing!!!

    Hugs! xx

  4. How cute and such a fun image too! :) I love those clouds! *Hugs
